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Nurseries & Daycares: heat wave summer 2018

Dear colleagues,

SFE has been contacted recently by several colleagues from certain buildings due to their uncomfortable and unhealthy situation related to the heat wave.

In the premises of the CLOVIS nursery, excessive and unpleasant temperatures were observed in several rooms following the intervention of a LSC delegation. It can clearly be said that the comfort of the children and the staff was not assured.

The staff on site had to "tinker" with amenities to improve the comfort of the youngest.

We salute their dedication and professionalism!

As a result, members of SFE associated with members of other trade unions (OSP) and appointed by the LSC to the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPPT *) referred the matter to OIB and DG HR.

SFE expressly requests the administration to take measures in case of periods of heat wave (or extreme cold). We recommend the implementation of a heat wave emergency plan for next summer to ensure the comfort and well-being of children (but also colleagues in offices that would suffer the same conditions).

This plan would have for objectives (your ideas are welcome!):

  • Anticipate the arrival of a heat wave (control of technical installations, insulation ...);

  • Define the actions to be implemented at local level (by building) to prevent and limit the health effects of the building;

  • Adapt preventive measures (especially for specific populations such as children / babies);

  • In case of temporary closure of a section / building:

=> To relocate to another suitable space...


=> Allow by AIPN to provide circumstantial telework or special absence;

  • For all staff, water supply at a fixed price (at present, water is sometimes more expensive than a soda!) and the installation of water fountains on each floor at Clovis nursery;

Moreover, SFE insists and considers that budgetary measures of renovation within the nursery Clovis must be taken quickly so that such a situation does not happen again in the future!

SFE, which supports the sacrosanct policy of well-being put in place and promoted by the DG HR, considers this situation of discomfort as contradictory and paradoxical!

(*) CPPT: Comité paritaire de prévention et de protection au travail

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