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Attention : suite à la réorganisation de certaines de nos pages, plusieurs liens dans nos communications sont susceptibles de ne plus fonctionner. Merci de consulter notre page TRACTS où tout a été centralisé.

Please note: following the reorganisation of some of our pages, several links in our communications may no longer work. Please consult our TRACTS page where everything has been centralised.

SFE wishes you a great end of year celebrations for you and loved ones!

The year 2019 is coming to an end and already 2020 promises to be another year of challenge and commitment!The challenges of the New Commission will be important and it is together that we can carry out these projects which concern us all!We are obviously thinking of the « Green deal » and current and future climate challenges, or « digitalisation », but other equally important subjects such as Research and development, Security ...

Other issues await us such as Brexit, the next step of which will be on January 30. The consequences of this will also be important at all levels for us as agents of the institutions but for British and European citizens.

And it is together that we will have to meet these challenges!

The SFE union will be by your side in 2020, as always close to your issues. It is important to strengthen the action in defence of the Staff and our social vision which have characterized the SFE "trademark" for many years.

Like any good union, social dialogue is the essence of our existence. This is why the SFE has advocated for years its establishment at all levels within our institutions.

As a support in the defense of social dialogue in the executive agencies and thanks to the efforts and perseverance of our team, the SFE union will have enabled considerable progress, including, the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the executive agencies and unions and the creation of a joint committee of executive agencies.In 2019, SFE offered more than 20 training courses to prepare for EPSO competitions, more than a dozen legal permanence with our lawyer and with our Insurer.

SFE is also a presence on the Central and Local Staff Committee (We have worked on many important files: Delegations, decision on sick leave, etc.). SFE regularly offers Representatives in the selection panels (1 to 2 per month on average).

We are also present in the appeal committees (promotion / reclassification), in the Equal Opportunities Committee and also in the Social Aid Committee (loans and financial aid for staff in difficulty).

In 2019, 40 new members joined us!

And because numbers are sometimes better than words, SFE has more than 28,000 visitors to our site in the past two years.

Thank you to all our members!

The Executive Committee wishes you a very happy holiday season and gives you an appointment in early 2020 with a drink!

(More information in early January).

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