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Internal elections SFE + New Executive Committee

Election of Executive Committee

Dear members,

After the launch of the internal elections at the General Assembly of the members of 2 April 2019, our new statute provides for the renewal of the Executive Committee for 3 years.

Thank you all for your support and your loyalty!

Here is the list of elected candidates and their functions / titles.

  • 1 - BELLINO Daniela (EACEA)​

  • 2 - BERGER Anne (ERCEA)

  • 3 - CLAESSEN Alain (TRADE) - Treasurer

  • 4 - DE BERGEYCK Eleonore (MOVE+ENER-SRD)​

  • 5 - DEL POZO ROMERO Alain (OIB) - General Secretary

  • 6 - KOPP Ferdinand (EEAS)​

  • 7 - GERBEHAYE Valérie (MARE) - Vice-President​

  • 8 - GRUYEZ Laurent (OIB)​

  • 9 - HUBRECHT Alain (OIB) - President​

  • 10 - IHLI Uwe (TAXUD)​

  • 11 - JOUAN Cécile (PMO) - Vice-Presidente

  • 12 - LIKAJ Ilir (OIB)​

  • 13 - POURBAIX Pascale (TRADE) - Secretary of organization

  • 14 - ROSSI Giancarlo (OIB)​

  • 15 - SCIARRABONE Giustina (ERCEA) - Vice-President

Not elected:

  • 16 - SOCHALL Susannah (TRADE)​

  • 17 - VENEZIANO Liborio (OIB)

SFE, it's a great team to help all colleagues!

You can consult the results of this election and the electoral process by clicking on this link.

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