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Attention : suite à la réorganisation de certaines de nos pages, plusieurs liens dans nos communications sont susceptibles de ne plus fonctionner. Merci de consulter notre page TRACTS où tout a été centralisé.

Please note: following the reorganisation of some of our pages, several links in our communications may no longer work. Please consult our TRACTS page where everything has been centralised.

SFE insurance offers - Permanence

Dear colleagues,

SFE is pleased to propose you a permanance with a very interesting offers « complementary health / insurances ».

On 24th of October, SFE organizes with its partner MB-Consult a permanence “insurance” from 10h to 15h. You will have the opportunity to ask your questions at individual appointments if you are interested in their vehicle, fire / home, health and travel insurance offers.

To book an appointment, enrol to the form on our website by clicking on this link.

We are pleased to meet you!

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