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UPDATED : CBT Webinar training - Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests (2022)

TRAINING: Webinar on Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests (2022)

Training coached by: ORSEU Competition

Topics: Test presentation, Verbal, Numerical and Abstract reasoning (all levels).


- October 05 & 06 from 6pm to 9pm (2 sessions) in ENGLISH - Registration until 03 October.

- November 30 & December 01 from 6pm to 9pm (2 sessions) in ENGLISH - Registration until 28 November.

Method: Webinar with headphones (recommended). Training given by a teacher, exchanges possible via a tchat-box, your name will be anonymized.

Materials: PDF documents of the tests & corrections - Video recording of the Webinar => Available for 2 weeks after the training.



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