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Attention : suite à la réorganisation de certaines de nos pages, plusieurs liens dans nos communications sont susceptibles de ne plus fonctionner. Merci de consulter notre page TRACTS où tout a été centralisé.


Please note: following the reorganisation of some of our pages, several links in our communications may no longer work. Please consult our TRACTS page where everything has been centralised.

INFO TRAINING: Assessment Centre - no face-to-face training for now (health context)

Due to the health context and the measures taken by the Directorate General for Human Resources (DG HR), we are not able to provide our face-to-face training sessions for the following reasons:

- Room reservations are subject to agreement, according to strict gauges and in compliance with health measures;

- People from outside the European institutions are not currently able to access our premises (nor is our external trainer);

- The safety and health of colleagues is a top priority. We prefer to avoid exposing anyone to the risk of contamination in meetings;

Of course, the SFE union will monitor the situation.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Do not hesitate to connect to the EPSO wesbite to find out the status of your future exams.

We strongly advise you to read the Safety measures available on and news.



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