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Attention : suite à la réorganisation de certaines de nos pages, plusieurs liens dans nos communications sont susceptibles de ne plus fonctionner. Merci de consulter notre page TRACTS où tout a été centralisé.

Please note: following the reorganisation of some of our pages, several links in our communications may no longer work. Please consult our TRACTS page where everything has been centralised.

The SFE union wishes you and your loved ones a happy holiday season!

Dear members, dear colleagues,

Dear friends,

The year 2022 is coming to an end very soon and is still shaken by the rising costs of energy, fuel, or the geopolitical instability caused by the war in Ukraine.

These successive crises show us that we must above all remain united and welded behind the values of freedom, democracy and solidarity.

With the arrival of winter, we wanted to give you a little help for those who have difficulties in heating.

The SFE union is taking this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty by offering you a gift card valid at « Brico - BricoPlanit - BricoCity ».

This voucher worth 25€ will allow you to buy a small auxiliary heater, wood or pellet to heat your house.

  • All you have to do is ask us for the voucher by return mail!

This voucher will be given to you only once (valid for 2 years) and preferably to members in order of contribution.

We wish you a wonderful holiday season!

Please continue to take care of yourself and your loved ones!

The SFE union


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