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Please note: following the reorganisation of some of our pages, several links in our communications may no longer work. Please consult our TRACTS page where everything has been centralised.

Contractuals Agents: 15 years later (2004 / 2018)? ...

Contractuals Agents: 15 years later (2004 / 2018)?

The Commission can and MUST do better…

Dear colleagues,

The SFE union is really convinced that the more than 6,000 contractuals agents (CA 3A and 3B) at the service of the European Commission constitute an indispensable human capital and essential to the proper functioning of the Institution.

However, their huge potential could be better valued and lead to significant gains in efficiency and effectiveness.

SFE advocates a much more proactive policy towards them, which will also benefit the optimal matching policy objectives and required resources.

SFE does not limit itself to say that we must do better ...

SFE also wishes to bring ideas and situate them - in operational terms - in a realistic legal framework.

Read our next 4 releases:

  1. What are the objectives for CAs 3A and 3B in terms of job stability and access to the appointment to a permanent basis as a civil servant?

  2. How to offer them an administrative career worthy of the name within the European Commission?

  3. What are the positive measures proposed by SFE?

  4. Will the current Staff Regulations of the European civil service be amended to implement the SFE recommendations?

The SFE union will submit its proposals to you in the next 4 messages.


50% Contractuals Agents - 50% Civil servants

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